Stanford integreert Epic en HealthKit in App voor patiënten

Stanford Health Care, one of the few previously announced healthcare provider adopters of Apple HealthKit, has officially launched its patient-facing, HealthKit enabled iOS app this week.

The new iOS 8 app, called MyHealth, integrate with Epic and with Apple HealthKit. Although Epic itself is integrating with Apple, and many hospitals rely on Epic’s MyChart app and portal for patient engagement, Stanford president and CEO Amir Dan Rubin suggested that Epic’s out-of-the-box app wouldn’t cut it for the hospital.

The app will allow patients to review test results and medical bills, manage prescriptions, schedule appointments, and conduct video visits with a Stanford physician, the latter via the hospital’s ClickWell Care telemedicine service. But the most newsworthy feature is the Apple integration, which allows patients to upload vital signs and have them automatically and securely added to the patient’s chart in Epic.

(volledig bericht via: Mobihealthnews)

Heel gaaf natuurlijk dit nieuws maar mijn vraag is: Welk ziekenhuis in Nederland durft ook zijn/haar EPD zover open te zetten dat de patiënt er zelf (via HealthKit of een andere methode) metingen en evt teksten kan toevoegen.

Ik weet dat OpenNotes al draait in de VS.. maar waar in NL?

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